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How Many Microgreen Trays Should You Own?

Written by Garrett Corwin


In the bustling world of microgreen farming, the 10"x20" trays, affectionately known as 1020s, are more than just a piece of equipment; they're the very foundation of your operation. As you navigate the complexities of meeting customer demand and scaling your business, one question often springs up: "How many 1020 trays should I actually own?" While it might seem like a simple query, the answer is instrumental in optimizing your farm's efficiency and flexibility. Let's dive into why owning four times the number of trays you harvest each week is not just a rule of thumb but a strategic asset for your microgreen business.

Understanding Tray Rotation in Microgreen Farming

Microgreen farming is a continuous cycle of sowing, growing, and harvesting. To keep up with this cycle and ensure a steady supply of greens for your customers, it's crucial to have a well-planned tray rotation system in place. Here's why:

  • Germination Stage: Right after sowing, your seeds will spend several days in germination, requiring trays that provide the perfect environment for them to sprout. This stage demands a significant portion of your tray inventory.
  • Growth Stage: Post-germination, your microgreens will move under lights to continue their growth. This stage occupies another chunk of your trays, as different crops may require varying amounts of time to reach harvest maturity.
  • Harvesting Stage: The trays that make it to this stage are ready to provide the greens your customers eagerly await. This is the final stage of your microgreens' journey before the cycle restarts.
  • Cleaning and Prep: After harvest, trays need to be thoroughly cleaned and prepared for the next cycle. Having additional trays on hand ensures that you're not rushed to clean them immediately, which is especially crucial during peak operation times or if unforeseen delays occur.

The Magic Number: Owning Four Times Your Weekly Harvest

So, why four times the number of trays you harvest weekly? This calculation isn't arbitrary; it's a practical formula designed to keep your operation running smoothly and without interruption. Here's a breakdown:

  • Harvested Trays: The number of trays you harvest for your customers each week.
  • Growing Trays: An equivalent number of trays actively growing under lights, preparing for the next harvest.
  • Germinating Trays: Another set dedicated to germinating seeds, ready to replace the trays that have just been harvested.
  • Spare/Clean Trays: A final set of trays equal to your weekly harvest (or slightly more) kept clean and on standby. This buffer allows for increased production to meet unexpected demand or to compensate for trays that are out of rotation due to cleaning or maintenance.

For example, if your farm is harvesting 200 trays a week, here's how your tray inventory should look:

  • 200 Trays for Harvesting
  • 200 Trays Growing Under Lights
  • 200 Trays in Germination
  • 200-300 Spare/Clean Trays

This model ensures that you have the flexibility to increase production quickly, maintain a steady workflow, and accommodate the cleaning and preparation of trays without disrupting the cycle.


Calculating the optimal number of 1020 trays for your microgreen farm might seem daunting, but embracing this four-fold strategy can significantly enhance your operation's efficiency and scalability. By understanding the demands of each stage in the microgreen life cycle and planning your tray inventory accordingly, you're setting your farm up for success, ready to meet your customers' needs with reliability and flexibility. Remember, in the dynamic world of microgreen farming, preparation is key, and having the right number of trays on hand is a major part of that preparation.

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