Microgreen Manager

Plant more. Plan less.





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Our Pricing Plan

Join us in the Beta Phase!

Microgreen Manager is currently in beta and completely free to use. All features are currently available to you and are expected to work without issue. The software is free for the time being as we continue to build the product, collect feedback, and add features.

Why is it free?

We are still building Microgreen Manager. We have high expectations for ourselves and will not charge for the software until we are confident that it is something worthy of your hard-earned money.

When will you start charging?

With that being said, we are a business and we will need to charge for our product at some point. We don't know exactly when this will be, but when that time comes, we will notify you well in advance through email and social media. All existing users will be given at least a 30-day free trial before being charged.

What will the price be?

We plan to introduce a subscription model at around $15-$25/month. We have not determined the exact price yet, because we are simply too busy building the product! By joining us now, you can help shape the future of Microgreen Manager and enjoy early access.

Will there be a free tier?

Yes! We plan to offer a free tier for hobbyists and small growers at some point. This tier will have limited features and will be free forever.

Where can I get updates?

You can follow us on social media! We will notify you of any changes to our pricing or the software itself.